Community rules

To keep our community friendly, respectful, and enjoyable for everyone, we have a set of rules that all users must follow. Failure to comply may result in warnings, content removal, or account suspension.

1. Respect Others

  • Treat all users with respect.
  • No harassment, bullying, or personal attacks.

2. Keep It Clean

  • No offensive, racist, or discriminatory language.
  • Foul language and hate speech are strictly prohibited.

3. No Censored or Offensive Words

  • Avoid using censored words, slurs, or offensive terms, even with modifications (e.g., symbols or numbers replacing letters).

4. No Nudity or Pornographic Content

  • Any form of nudity, sexually explicit content, or adult material is strictly forbidden.
  • No suggestive or inappropriate avatars, profile pictures, or usernames.

5. No Sexual Language or Innuendos

  • Keep discussions appropriate for all audiences.
  • No sexual jokes, innuendos, or discussions about explicit topics.

6. No Spam or Unwanted Promotions

  • Do not flood discussions with repetitive posts, advertisements, or self-promotion.
  • Sharing affiliate links or external promotions without permission is not allowed.

7. No Illegal Content or Activities

  • Do not share or promote piracy, illegal downloads, or unauthorized modifications.
  • Discussions about hacking, cheating, or exploiting games are prohibited.

8. No Trolling or Provoking Arguments

  • Healthy debates are welcome, but trolling, baiting, or intentionally provoking others is not allowed.

9. No False Information or Misinformation

  • Do not spread fake news, misleading information, or conspiracy theories.

10. No Impersonation or Fake Accounts

  • Do not pretend to be another user, moderator, or staff member.

11. No Sharing Personal or Private Information

  • Do not post personal details (yours or others’), including addresses, emails, phone numbers, or private messages.

12. Stay On Topic

  • Keep discussions relevant to the forum or topic at hand.
  • Do not post stolen, copyrighted, or uncredited content.
  • Always give proper credit when sharing work from others.

14. No Backseat Moderation

  • If you see a rule violation, report it to the moderators instead of taking matters into your own hands. In any case you can always contact the administrators directly using the contact form available on our website or by email

15. Listen to the Moderators

  • Moderators and admins have the final say in disputes.
  • Arguing with staff decisions in public threads may lead to further action.

16. Report Issues Responsibly

  • If you see rule-breaking content, report it instead of engaging with it.

17. Have Fun & Contribute Positively

  • Vemods is a place for modders and gamers to share, learn, and enjoy!

By using Vemods, you agree to these rules. Violations may result in warnings, temporary bans, or permanent account removal.

🚜🚛 Enjoy your time on Vemods! Keep it fun and respectful!